-"Nice try bad guy"
-"Sure my can!"
-"cue me" (excuse me)
-"It my super trick"
-"Mommy, you da best"
-"_ make me fustawated" (so and so makes me frustrated)
-"Borry" (sorry)
-I never won't"
-"Whoopieyah!" (ninja turtle move action sound)
- "That's off lemons" (that's off limits)
- "I need an issue" (after sneezing......)
-"Brain power is stronger than muscle power"
-"Brains are like a locker where you keep your ideas and stuff"
-"no problem"
-"oh my word"
-"great poisonous" (sounds alot like 'sweet poison':)
Is that a drawing of Will?
I wish I could say that it is a drawing and I drew it! BUT it is only a "cartoon" option in the edit function of my Kodak software. Cute though!
Here's one we hear from Will all the time: "Dat's OK," as Maddy is apologizing for pushing him or hitting him or throwing his coloring book...
All I have to say is those "Pirate's Bottoms" are delicious!
Miss Kat, would you be talking about "Pirate's Booty"? (P's favorite cheesy cheetos) And, if I remember correctly, Parker called them "Pirate's Butts" :)
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