Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Super Will

Aunt Allie's comment to the recent Track and Field post reminded me of these pics I took of Will a week ago or so.

allie said... "wHOA! Super fast and super long jumps, there p-boo! Stick with the long t-shirt, too....next thing you know they'll stick you with super short shorts and super tight tank top! :)"

Aunt Allie,

Do these SUPER short shorts and tight tank count?

A few of Will's SUPER moves a/k/a "SUPER TRICKS"...


allie said...

What a SUPER hunk! I love it! But, a word of advice, watch those high kicks in those short shorts in the future, Will! One day.....you might be in trouble ;)

love you!

Rosemary said...

Hi Will! Wow, you and Parker ARE super heroes!!!!!

I love you!

Kat said...

Can I get a bite of that?