Friday, May 30, 2008

School's Out For Summer....

Yesterday was the last day of school for the Boulder Valley School District. We celebrated with the rest of the kids on our street with Superhero popsicles and a "Mythbuster" style experiment...(Diet Coke mixed with a package of Mentos)

Will "The Hulk" eating a Hulk popsicle...

Thursday, May 29, 2008

50 Million Years

This morning at breakfast Parker said, "I wish Nana and Pops could stay for 50 million years."

Later on when Will was going down for a nap he said, "Nana and Pops come here in a little while? After my nap?"

We are thankful they made it safely back to Arkansas, but we really miss them!

Cousin John Turner Adams officially turned 1 YEAR today!


Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Memorial Day Weekend with Nana & Pops

We have been counting down the days to see Nana and Pops! We got to spend the weekend with are a few moments.
Trying to get a "nice" picture of the four of them:

New Super costumes..... "The Thing" and "Spiderman glow in the dark mask":

Nana and Pops sprung for SUPER SOAKERS for the whole family! A watergun fight ensued.... (Parker's soaker was an "arctic freeze" gun--you can put ice cubes in the 'barrel' to make the water cold as ice!)

Windy day at the lookout:

After dinner walks around the neighborhood:

Bike riding (without training wheels) with Pops:

An unusually cold and rainy Memorial Day morning at Mom's "Bolder Boulder" race! After popsicles.....we were all about ready to head home.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

It's A BOY!

Congratulations to Allie and Scott!!! This morning they found out they will have a boy in October! We are so excited and happy. They will be amazing parents! They are current record holders in our household....Aunt Allie is "the best fort builder in the world" and Uncle Cott is "the best wrestler in the world".
When I got off the phone with Allison this morning, I hung up and screamed and Parker asked, "So, they found out if the baby is a boy or girl?" I said, "yes, they found out the baby is a boy!" Parker said, "oh so they will want to name the baby a special Parker or Will."

Friday, May 16, 2008

Super Powers a/k/a Super Tricks

With all the SUPERS in and around town the last few days, there has been some recent discussion about each others' super powers. When asked, "What are your super powers?", Will answered:
"I eat monster apples"

"I be three at my birthday"

"I have super tricks"

"I good bacumn" (that is, he's good at vacumning)
Will also mentioned, "I a good reader."

When Parker was asked, "What are your super powers?"

P answered: "I don't really have any super powers. One time a long long time ago, I tried to fly off the rock in our front yard, but there wasn't enough wind. I do have pretty big I probably have super vision and even if I look straight I can see out both eyes sideways. It is really a super power because I can actually see off both sides."
Interviewer: "So, you have peripheral vision?"
Parker: "Yes, super peripheral vision."
(Photo is of Parker 'showing' me his super peripheral vision)

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Flash and Batman Sightings....

Flash and Batman were spotted in and around town this morning. I was lucky enough to get some live shots.....

Flash and Batman by the "Big Elk" on Pearl Street in Boulder........Flash and Batman enjoying SUPER breakfast burritos and fruit at "Teas and Cakes" in Boulder....
Flash seriously thought he was so fast that no one could see him run and hide under this bench. Maybe Batman was a little confused...... Flash Parker

Flash Will

Monday, May 12, 2008

5 minutes later...

I went outside to take the trash/recyle out. Got caught talking to a neighbor for 5 minutes. I came back in the house to find Will and Abby and Josie finishing off the "doggie snacks" ....

Then I go to see what P is up to and he's conducting his own scientific experiment....discovering that "when the bandaid container is full of water, it sinks and when it's empty it floats." Sounds innocent enough, but his method also included seeing what would happen if the container was full of toilet paper, then soap and get the picture. To make the experience more interesting.....when the doggie snacks were all gone, Will joined Parker in the bathroom and some water mayhem ensued. They are both currently mopping up the bathroom with towels.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mother's Day

Breakfast in bed, gifts, cute cards, and a gorgeous day made for the best Mother's Day yet. Will kept saying, "Happy Birthday, Mommy." In a way it felt like my birthday! Here is a picture after we planted these flowers in the back yard. (Notice cute T-shirts..."My Mom Rules" and "My Mom Rocks"...well said; thanks Miss Kim!)

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

You Are My Sunshine....

Today was the first time it has rained since October. Any other form of precipitation has been snow. So the boys woke up pretty stoked to play in the rain. By the time we ate breakfast and headed out, the rain had passed...but they did manage to find a puddle or two.
Usually once a month we (along with some friends) go visit a Nursing Home (a/k/a "The Grandma's and Grandpa's home"). Usually we do some kind of craft or game with the residents. Today the idea was for the kids to put on a little ditty of their own in a performance type setting at the nursing home. Parker and Will were really excited (at least led me to believe they were) about doing this. They each picked out a couple songs on itunes to practice and perform. Will picked, "You Are My Sunshine" and "Good Night Sweetheart".....Parker picked Ironman theme song-"Merchant of Death" and the "Hokey Pokey." I didn't get any shots from the actual performance...but here is a clip from their post show..... (by the way, thankfully they acted better at the nursing home and we did not perform Merchant of Death:)