Wednesday, May 7, 2008

You Are My Sunshine....

Today was the first time it has rained since October. Any other form of precipitation has been snow. So the boys woke up pretty stoked to play in the rain. By the time we ate breakfast and headed out, the rain had passed...but they did manage to find a puddle or two.
Usually once a month we (along with some friends) go visit a Nursing Home (a/k/a "The Grandma's and Grandpa's home"). Usually we do some kind of craft or game with the residents. Today the idea was for the kids to put on a little ditty of their own in a performance type setting at the nursing home. Parker and Will were really excited (at least led me to believe they were) about doing this. They each picked out a couple songs on itunes to practice and perform. Will picked, "You Are My Sunshine" and "Good Night Sweetheart".....Parker picked Ironman theme song-"Merchant of Death" and the "Hokey Pokey." I didn't get any shots from the actual performance...but here is a clip from their post show..... (by the way, thankfully they acted better at the nursing home and we did not perform Merchant of Death:)


Heather's Blog said...

Love your blog. Your boys are such great singers! I love that you go and visit the g-ma's and g-pa's. My grandad is in one of those special places around here and I like to take my kiddos to go visit. You are such a great mom. :)

Jocelyn Cowen said...

Amanda - You are the greatest mom! I love the things you do with your kids. Reading your blog gives me so many ideas! Thanks for sharing it with us.

Anonymous said...

How sweet! I used to work in a "grandmas and grandpas home" and I know they always loved to see kids like your precious boys! I will have to remember that!

Rosemary said...

Parker and Will,
Last night when I got home I asked Allison my "every night" question: "Did you talk to your sisters today?" Well, Allison said, "no, but did you see the Blog?" and even though I look at the Parker and Will blog, the Shulerclan blog and Aunt Allie's blog EVERY DAY, I had not yet seen the video.

So...I grabbed Allie's laptop, read your Mom's story about the rain and puddles and then I watched the video. I started watching, ooo-ing and ahhh-ing, smiling (really BIG smiles), and then I cried. I was SOOOOOOO happy to see you, to hear your sweet voices singing one of my FAVORITE songs!

Did you know that I used to sing that to your Mommy when she was little? Well, actually, I still sing it to her! And her sisters!

I love you so much and I can't wait to see you, hug you, play with you.

Will - keep singing! It's beautiful!
Parker -- you have a great voice and SUPER dance moves!!!!


Unknown said...

Hey, I think these guys could be our next American Idol! Will is a little "pitchy" but that comes with time. Not only does Dee sing that to your mom and aunts, but she even sings it to me which can get a little awkward sometimes, but hey it's Dee and we all love her! ha!


CB said...

LOVE IT. Esp that the juxtaposition (thanks APLAC) of the sweet music with the brotherly elbowing love. Parker kept the dimple flying the whole time... even when Brother Will was trying to one up him for the camera. oxoxo

allie said...

oh my how that reminds me of our old singing pair days (only instead of in front of the camera, it was singing to an old cassette recorder).

i loved that post so much--and please give the boys big huge hugs from aunt allie, uncle cott and cousin to be!

love you!!