Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Flash and Batman Sightings....

Flash and Batman were spotted in and around town this morning. I was lucky enough to get some live shots.....

Flash and Batman by the "Big Elk" on Pearl Street in Boulder........Flash and Batman enjoying SUPER breakfast burritos and fruit at "Teas and Cakes" in Boulder....
Flash seriously thought he was so fast that no one could see him run and hide under this bench. Maybe Batman was a little confused...... Flash Parker

Flash Will


Rosemary said...

Hello Flash!!!
Hello Batman!!
Hello super picture takin' mom!

I love you guys -- it looks like you had a super-fun morning! Did you eat blueberry muffins (Dee's favorite muffin) or vanilla muffins??

Love you,

Jocelyn Cowen said...

Woah!!! Your kids are gorgeous, but my goodness, the scenery behind them on the rock is incredible. Too bad we're not moving to Colorado...

allie said...

You two are so SUPER cool! Flash, i can't believe you are so fast that no one could see you run and hide under the bench! You even confused batman!

love you--these posts are so great!

Dave and Betty said...

Wow that's amazing that you got such great pictures of two super heros hanging around town!

We miss seeing you guys! I hope we can see you all as we travel back from California!
Aunt Betty