Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Kindergarten Courage

There are many kinds of courage......(one of our favorite new books is "Courage" by Bernard Waber....you should check it out. Thanks Dee!)

Today was Parker's first day of kindergarten and everyone had to muster up their own kind of courage. Such a milestone and the end of an era in a way. But the beginning of so much more....... For Parker, courage was "not being shy".
Parker walking into Ms. Buch's (pronounced Bush) classroom.

Sitting 'criss cross applesauce' next to his friend, Riley (who P met over the summer)

For Will, courage was being the first to scale the school building wall:

("Monkeys" are the morning Kindergarten group, and "Turtles" are the afternoon Kgroup)

For mom and dad, courage was holding Parker's hand on the way to school...and then letting go.

Some other moments of this BIG day included a "back to school breakfast" in the cul-de-sac and a celebratory afterschool "apple" cupcake made by our neighbor, Ms. Michelle (a/k/a Martha Stewart;)


Rosemary said...
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Kat said...

Love the new shirt Parker! Was kindergarten the most fun? Maddy and I can't wait to hear about your first day.

allie said...

I am so proud of you, Parker! You are so brave and showed tremendous courage today! I can't wait to hear about all that you learn this year and in years to come. Oh, and Mrs. Buch better be good to you, or aunt allie will come and use some of her own "courage" on her! :)

love you,
aunt allie

Rosemary said...

Allison - I'm afraid that you don't possess a clear understanding of the word "courage."

Parker - I'm so proud of you! Wow, a kindergartener! Wow!

By the way, I think I have a picture of Amanda that looks just like the one of Parker eating his cupcake...

Love you!

davidarambel said...

I believe the confusion over the Kindergarten Courage lies with the commentors...I believe it is Chris and Amanda who deserve the Congratulations...in my opinion it is the parents who are called upon to display the essential courage, primarily by not crying when they have to let go of that hand...
And if I may...it never gets any easier...
Then again he is almost thru his first week now, so I'm surprised you haven't posted the blog where he has informed you he doesn't want you to walk him to school anymore...Ha...Ha...
What's up Will?