Sunday, August 10, 2008

Arambel Visit

This past week has been full of family and friends! We got to spend a short time with Uncle Dave (aka G.U.D.), Aunt Betty, Sara, Ray, Hanna, Ernie and Marly on their way back to Arkansas from California. It was great to see everyone....amazing how everyone keeps changing/growing up even though I'm not right there to see it!
As soon as Marly got out of the van, Parker was a bit smitten... They had a great time together mostly playing "light sabers":

Chewy, Luke, and Princess Leia:

Even Ernie couldn't resist The Force:

Chris and Marly on a quick ride

So glad to have spent time with you guys, even if only a few hours.....


aramigan said...

love the pictures of everyone. we only wish we could have made it out there too but we probably would have started to need tents then.

Rosemary said...

How fun!

I can't wait to hear all the person!

Only 18 days to go!!!!!

I love you all.

The Sara and Ray Show said...

I have to admit they are actually on Sara's camera...I'll get those up and going this week. The first week back from vacation is always crazy! We had a great time seeing you guys!

Dave and Betty said...

thanks to all of you for having us for the night, all the food and places to sleep made our trip back so much better! And best of all we got to see all of you!
Have fun with Dee!

Aunt Betty