Friday, August 1, 2008

Loose Tooth

Parker told me at breakfast this morning that he had a loose tooth. To be honest, I didn't believe him because there are three other people (2nd and 3rd graders) on our block that also have a loose tooth. I thought it more an "empathetic" loose tooth. I finally just tested it, and he's right!!! It's LOOSE!


allie said...

NO WAAAAY!!! Parker, you have a loose tooth! Make sure you tell mommy/daddy that the tooth fairy better be really good to you when you finally lose it.

love you!!!
aunt allie

Rosemary said...

Wow, a loose tooth!!!!!

Maybe it will come out while I'm there! You gotta keep wiggling it so it will get looser and looser --

Love you and can't wait to see you!


davidarambel said...

We we're there for loose tooth, but no mention as Parker and Marley could have cared less, and of course I'm sure Will didn't care for a girl stealing his brother away, but it was something to see...we really appreciated your hospitality, company and the food was excellent...I even like Colorado again..didn't much care for it before, but you guys made it worth a visit...hopefully next time we can stay was definitely the bright spot on the long night-days journey...
Thank you again for the wonderful visit and Chris & Amanda, Betty & I would like to go see the property in Madison Co. to maybe buy or whatever (Gabe's favorite new word), since you expressed an interest in selling and I thought maybe this would be a way to keep it in the family and be beneficial to all of us...I know one of the hardest things I ever had to do was sell our 50 acres up in Southeast Missouri, primarily because of non visiting and still to this day wish I hadn't had to do that...anyway let me know...
and I'll talk to you soon...
P.S. Oh yeah, we did miss you Rosemary and don't worry about how much the boys talk about Uncle D..
not really it will be Marley this and Marley that...I'm sure...Paul called yesterday and a little girl was playing in the yard next door and Sam was saying "Marley, is that you?"