This is Will's team, "The Skinless Oranges". His face in the team shot describes his first day of soccer perfectly....hesitant, unsure and not involved. The first game he wanted to sit on the sidelines the whole game (thus there is no "action" shot from that day). I tried my best to be patient.
This is Parker's team, "The Vipers". I just have to say that it's amazing what 2 years can do. The 1st graders have a whole different approach to the game and Parker is very enthusiastic and excited to play and be a part of it all. He says his favorite part is either when a teamate kicks the ball to him or eating orange slices at halftime.
Now that's funny, especially the Parker's favorite thing about sounds like something you'd looks like his favorite part is showing off his ball handling (or would that be footling)moves to the blond chicks.
No amount of patience is going to get you thru this...I found that breathing exercises with your eyes closed, is the most effective... although it never worked for me, I couldn't quit watching...and of course yelling..I think it made the other parents nervous, not to mention the young children...I believe Hanna and Ernie both are scarred for life... and Marley, luckily seems to be leaning towards cheerleading, which apparently I know absolutely nothing about...of course other parents tell me it is the most expensive sport of all..and I hear the cheerleader mom's are rabid/psychos about their girls (or boys...I guess that's always an option...I assume that thought will help with your patience level)
being the best and succeeding at whatever the cost...
Miss you guys,
...oh yeah, good pictures Parker and Will...are those Superior'hood signs Will is flashing?
GUD again
These are great pictures. Dad you crack me up. Of course, when you were yelling keep your eye on the ball, it was a different story. Parker and Will need to come out and play soccer with Gabe whose practices last 30 minutes and he still cant' seem to manage to make it all the way through. of course, it has been like 100 degrees here even at 9AM.
Miss you guys,
Oh Amanda! I love these. Wish I could be closer and see it for myself. When I told my students that I've never had a friend I didn't have to say goodbye to, they didn't believe me. They all think they will live next door to their friends for the rest of the their lives. I wish it were true.
GUD, you crack me up too. I love you. Leah, you don't know how bad I wish P and W could play soccer with Gabe. I'm sure he could school them on a few things;) And Kristie....I wish it were true too.
So cute! Soccer is so much fun, I can't wait for Cam to be big enough to play. Sorry, I'm so delayed in seeing this. I've been updating our blog the past few days, and I'm just getting caught up on my 'following'. Ironically, it sounds like Mike be on the phone with Chris right now. haha.
I was promised some skiing pictures when I talked to you last ;-)
I WANT A NEW POST!!!!!!!!!!
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