Saturday, September 19, 2009

Parker and Dad Go Backpacking

I promised a soccer post...but my computer is having fits and won't allow me to download my current pictures. I decided to do a much needed post and include some pictures from Chris and Parker's backpacking trip in August. They had a great time together and Parker learned how to make fire, set booby traps and filter water.

1 comment:

davidarambel said...

It's only been 2.5 months, but seems like longer...good post and nice pictures...made me want to go hiking in the Rockies...good luck with the downloading the pictures for the next post...
Had breakfast with Allie and Silas, Alaina, Josie & Kiaya on Saturday at the Rolling Pin..and had a good time, except for K gets extremely upset everytime she looks at me and I look back..will go to anyone else, but clings to Laina and hides whenever I'm there. Josie on the other hand loves me, holds my hand and gives me kisses and seems to be fascinted with me...and Silas from what I can tell thinks everyone is funny and is pretty much undeterred by what I look like..he likes to pull on my beard, even to the point of pulling the hair out. Allie was concerned, but I told her it seemed to be falling out anyway..
Nice to see you posting again...
We're planning a trip to California for Xmas, probably SoCal and hopefully the kids will come down...but still in the planning stages, so who knows...
Love and miss you guys,