Sunday, September 27, 2009

Soccer pics

This is Will's team, "The Skinless Oranges". His face in the team shot describes his first day of soccer perfectly....hesitant, unsure and not involved. The first game he wanted to sit on the sidelines the whole game (thus there is no "action" shot from that day). I tried my best to be patient.

This is Parker's team, "The Vipers". I just have to say that it's amazing what 2 years can do. The 1st graders have a whole different approach to the game and Parker is very enthusiastic and excited to play and be a part of it all. He says his favorite part is either when a teamate kicks the ball to him or eating orange slices at halftime.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Parker and Dad Go Backpacking

I promised a soccer post...but my computer is having fits and won't allow me to download my current pictures. I decided to do a much needed post and include some pictures from Chris and Parker's backpacking trip in August. They had a great time together and Parker learned how to make fire, set booby traps and filter water.