Sunday, September 27, 2009

Soccer pics

This is Will's team, "The Skinless Oranges". His face in the team shot describes his first day of soccer perfectly....hesitant, unsure and not involved. The first game he wanted to sit on the sidelines the whole game (thus there is no "action" shot from that day). I tried my best to be patient.

This is Parker's team, "The Vipers". I just have to say that it's amazing what 2 years can do. The 1st graders have a whole different approach to the game and Parker is very enthusiastic and excited to play and be a part of it all. He says his favorite part is either when a teamate kicks the ball to him or eating orange slices at halftime.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Parker and Dad Go Backpacking

I promised a soccer post...but my computer is having fits and won't allow me to download my current pictures. I decided to do a much needed post and include some pictures from Chris and Parker's backpacking trip in August. They had a great time together and Parker learned how to make fire, set booby traps and filter water.

Monday, July 6, 2009

One Year Later.....

Happy Birthday to Parker and Will! This year we celebrated with a joint "shark party" at the pool. Here are some pictures of the 6 and 4 year olds!!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Dribbling...kind of

Parker completed his second basketball class this past weekend. It was an impromptu "class" a friend of ours offered to teach kids basic basic bball fundamentals at a nearby athletic club. Anyway, Parker really enjoyed it and says his favorite thing about basketball is "dribbling".

He's been using some new buzzwords around here like: scrimmage, defense and foul!

The coolest thing about it in my eyes happened just this week. We've been experiencing unusually warm weather (mid 70's) and most afternoons this week have been spent out in the culdesac playing with all the kids on our block. Some of the older boys (3rd-5th graders) were playing basketball. Normally, Parker would be content to watch the big kids from the sidelines but on Tuesday....he just jumped right in. He felt so confident after just two basketball classes. It was fun to watch.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Abby's Day

Yesterday was Abby's Day. After many months of Abby's deteriorating health, we made the decision to put Abby down. She'd been sick for a while, but we came to realize that we were keeping her alive for us, and not for her. She was in a lot of pain--collapsing often, didn't answer to her own name, had little to no bowel control and started having panic attacks which included moments of aggression.

Though I have not been good about recording our family's goings on these last few months....I know it's important to make this post. We called yesterday "Abby's Day" and celebrated her life all day. Though she hasn't enjoyed the things she used to in many many months (like hiking, playing catch with the tennis ball and wrestling....) we did some other things to make the day special. We made her favorite breakfast: a bowl full of little bit dog food, pain pill, boiled egg, parmesan garlic chips and bacon. Parker got out of school at 11:30 and Chris took the rest of the day off and we all talked about and created a "10 Best Things About Abby" list and spent the day petting, reminiscing and being with Ab. We even attempted a walk, but didn't make it too far.

We love Abby and we're thankful we got to spend the last 11 years with her.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Ice Skating Attempt

It's been so long since my last post...I am unsure where to start. So, I guess I'll just begin with yesterday and work backwards because I want to be sure and get some pictures from our trip back to Arkansas. We had a wonderful Christmas break and thoroughly enjoyed being around our family. We miss you all so very much.

Today was Parker's first day back to school after a 2 1/2 week break. To celebrate (or at least observe) the last day of break, I took the boys ice skating yesterday morning. They did.....OK considering it was their first time this year, second time ever! Parker was pretty cautious and felt more comfortable using the shovel they provided to help balance. P got better and better, but after a major fall...decided he needed some hockey player pads. Parker's favorite part was, of course, the HOT chocolate break.

Will took to it surprisingly well. Since he didn't mind falling so much, he preferred skating sans shovel and toward the end of the morning was actually using one foot to push off and glide on the other. When asked his favorite part, Will answered "the music" and the "green guy". (The guy was actually a 6-7 y/o girl in a green tutu....who was well on her way to professional skating if you ask me.)