Friday, July 11, 2008

The Forces

"The Forces" were out and about at the library recently:

(notice G.I. Will's blue lazer gun to his right and Obi Wan's light saber; neither of which should be left home without:)

Fortunately, we left the library with some sought after StarWars and Ninja Turtle Books, a couple "XForce" chapter books and a few books on CD. Mission accomplished.


allie said...

where did they get those costumes? those are great! i miss you so much already....and i'm glad they now have some new, much-needed ninja books so they can learn more technical "hi-ya's" and "super" kicks!

aunt allie

Rosemary said...


This morning when I woke up I was thinking about Superman Parker. Seriously. That prompted me to listen to the Superman Song - you are always going to be Clark Kent to me. The Ninja Turtles will fade away -- Superman Rules!

