Friday, February 27, 2009

Abby's Day

Yesterday was Abby's Day. After many months of Abby's deteriorating health, we made the decision to put Abby down. She'd been sick for a while, but we came to realize that we were keeping her alive for us, and not for her. She was in a lot of pain--collapsing often, didn't answer to her own name, had little to no bowel control and started having panic attacks which included moments of aggression.

Though I have not been good about recording our family's goings on these last few months....I know it's important to make this post. We called yesterday "Abby's Day" and celebrated her life all day. Though she hasn't enjoyed the things she used to in many many months (like hiking, playing catch with the tennis ball and wrestling....) we did some other things to make the day special. We made her favorite breakfast: a bowl full of little bit dog food, pain pill, boiled egg, parmesan garlic chips and bacon. Parker got out of school at 11:30 and Chris took the rest of the day off and we all talked about and created a "10 Best Things About Abby" list and spent the day petting, reminiscing and being with Ab. We even attempted a walk, but didn't make it too far.

We love Abby and we're thankful we got to spend the last 11 years with her.


davidarambel said...

Great picture of Abby and the boys.
Putting a pet down is one of the hardest things to do in life, but the bonds of friendship are worth that is short, make all the friends you can!

Aramigan said...

I am so sorry to all of you. I don't think I could say it any better than my dad so I will just second that. We love you guys.

The Sara and Ray Show said...

THe circle of life...such a hard but realistic part of our lives. Our pets are those one in few friends that NEVER judge us! The feelings of my childhood pet dying are just as strong today as they were when I was 12. I'm so sorry for you family's hardships during this loss and I gladly third my dad. Love you guys


Rosemary said...

My precious Amanda, I love you and am so very sad to lose Abby. I know it's hard but I'm so proud of you and Chris for allowing my grandsons the privilege of saying goodbye to a friend, a member of the family, in such a meaninful way.

I 4th what David said. I am privileged to have been Abby's friend!


Rosemary said...

I mean "meaningful"!!!!!!

davidarambel said...

I was beginning to think that "meaninful" was one of those Tennessee words I wasn't sure of..
Hanna was so glad that she came by to visit with me last week, as she knew something that I didn't...
about Aunt Rosemary...of course we were talking to my boss at work, and she told me that A.R. was coming to town, and when and I said I was going to be on vacation anyway, and my boss got upset because I hadn't scheduled vacation yet...but of course I was hearing April and not March, as I'm going to Sacramento the 1st of April, so hopefully I'll get to see her when she's in town...he, he, he...

missvickie said...

Amanda, I just listened to a voice mail left by your Mom. I love you and Chris for adopting Abby and giving her such a wonderful life for all these years. The little metal yard ornament you gave me for watching Abby and Brown is still in my flower bed, and I have thought of you all often over the years. My heart shares your sorrow, for I had to part with my beloved Noah just last Wednesday. It is painful, but I would do it all again in a heartbeat. Thank you so much for loving Abby and allowing her to share your lives so completely.

Dave and Betty said...

I tried to comment the day you posted but as usuall I couldn't remember my password, I think it's best because Dave put it so well!
I think it's very sweet how you celebrated Abby Day together as a family.
Love you guys and can't wait to see your mom this weekend.
Love Aunt Betty

Amanda Adams said...

Thank you so much for your thoughtful comments....and yes, we would "do it all again in a heartbeat"...."because friendship is worth that price"

Katie Runnels said...

what a sweet post, Amanda. I'm sorry i am only now reading it! Sounds like she was a lucky girl with the best family a dog could hope for! xoxo