Friday, October 31, 2008

HaPpy HallOwEen!

Yesterday was a Halloween Parade at school. Will was Darth Vader, Parker was a Ninja.

Parker and Will with neighbor, Grace.

Last night, we tried to finish carving our remaining pumpkins. Will LOVED the mess of it all. Parker was a little more methodical and made his own "templates" before carving.

Today there was no school (Teacher restructuring Day). This morning we went "trick-or-treating" at the "Grandma's and Grandpa's home". Will said he was going to make silly faces to the Grandma's and Grandpa's so they could be happy. After we left, Parker asked me: "Why does it make them so happy to give US candy?" A fun way to spend the morning....and then because of the unseasonably gorgeous (70's) weather, we headed over to our favorite park.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Tricks for Josie

Hi Josie! Thanks for posting some of your cool tricks for us to see. You're good at balancing. We wanted to show you something too:

We love you and miss you and can't wait to see you...

Meeting Silas and Kaiya.....

Sorry for not posting in so long. In addition to me being a procrastinator, we have had a little bit going on. I went to Chattanooga a couple weeks ago to meet Silas and Kaiya....AND got to see all my sisters! What a wonderful trip. Chris stayed home with the boys and they held their own very well. I came home to a clean house, carved pumpkins and a renewed thankfulness for my family. Here are some pictures of our new cousins:

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Crazy Hair Day

This week is spirit week at Eldorado Elementary. Unfortunately, I didn't get the "memo" and we missed yesterday's pajama day. BUT today is "Crazy Day" and the boys wanted crazy pirate hair. After the hair-do was complete, Will thought his looked more like an ant eater. ?

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Parker Self Portrait

Photos never seem to do justice for the real picture....but I just had to share this piece of art. Parker completed this watercolor self portrait in art class at school. How could you not be impressed!?!

Some other updates from school, Parker can officially read. It is so exciting!!! His love of books and the new ability to sound out the words in them is so fun to see and hear. Last week we contributed to a package that was sent to troops in Iraq. Parker wrote: "Thank you for being Army. Your friend, P" and added pictures and stickers on about 13 cards. He was cranking them out.....he was extremely focused. More often than not his "focus" is to his benefit. But I have to admit, it's hard (much to my chagrin sometimes:) to redirect a focus he has.

He also (like his dad) has a profound interest and grasp on math. He is constantly recognizing and creating patterns in our daily life... he manipulates numbers....including adding, substracting and even fractions.

He'll probably bypass my "math skills" by the time he's in 2nd grade.

Friday, October 10, 2008

I have a burrrr

Will has been sick the past couple days.
I told him he had a cold. He was explaining to Parker why he couldn't walk him to school:
"I sorry I not walk you to your school because I have a burrrr"

Silas is Here!!!!

Silas Dale Fincher
October 8th, 2008
22 inches
7lbs 9 oz

Silas and Mommy Allie are doing well!

Can I wait a whole week to go see him? can't wait!!!

Monday, October 6, 2008


Well, at least our little town's version of Oktoberfest was over the weekend. The boys had a good time....a little pre-Oktoberfest lightsaber warmup:

The boys (thankfully) do not know the "Electric Slide", and opted for some downhill rolling instead.

There were "old timey" ;) games and brats and pie.....

Blue Dye Tongues

Can the blue dye in these suckers really be harmless?