Thursday, July 31, 2008

A Day in the life of Flash....

The "superhero of the day" changes pretty frequently around here. I was able to capture some shots from Will's recent day as Flash:

concentrating on a 'supers' game of "Hulk Operation"

some super lime juggling:

more super juggling:

and a super nap:

Thursday, July 24, 2008

To Tell Or Not To Tell

We've been having conversations lately about "tattle telling", "tattling" whatever. I usually try to ask, "Is this tattle to get someone IN trouble or OUT of trouble?" Though sometimes the "I don't want to hear about it" does come out;) Anyway, the other day we were on our way home from the store. Parker and Will had each picked out a sucker to eat AFTER lunch and had strict instructions not to open it. Inevitably I hear:
Parker: "Mom?"
mom: Yes?
Parker: "Will is opening his sucker. I am not tittle talling to get him IN trouble, I am just telling you to keep him OUT of trouble."

How could I argue with that logic??;) Will did end up choosing to keep it wrapped on the drive home but when we got home, he kept disappearing upstairs. I had a sneaking suspicion....and it was confirmed. I followed him upstairs and the sucker was half gone.

And yes, Parker calls it tittle talling and I think it's too cute.

The Professional

Parker met a new friend recently who just moved here from St. Louis. His name is Corbin and if you were to ask Parker what they have in common, he would say:
both turned 5 in July (and will be in kindergarten at the same school)

both have a great love for all superheroes and Power Rangers

favorite food is pizza

both professional tree climbers
After this shot was taken, the "professional" on the left fell and though fine, did have a nice cut on the back of his leg and a decent sized hole in his pants. His comment: "next time I won't go down the dangerous way....I'll go down the way I know is safe."

Sunday, July 20, 2008

"cheesy" whale

Yesterday we spent a good part of the day at our neighborhood pool. Had a blast! But today, we decided to stay at home and play in the backyard. Today is a scorcher at 99 degrees, so we blew up an old kiddie pool so the boys could goof off and get wet. Chris and I got the pool all ready and after Parker jumped in it a couple times said, "this whale is cheesy." I'm not sure he understands the full meaning (and RUDENESS) of the word, but the cheesiness didn't affect he and Will's good time. geez.
Will's version of a "tank top".......

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Happy Birthday Dad!

"Happy Birthday to the best Dad in the humongous world!"

Parker: Is this Dad's real birthday?

mom: Yes

Parker: How old is he again?

mom: (holding up three fingers and six fingers)

Parker: Gosh, I thought he was 51. 36 is not too old.

Friday, July 11, 2008

The Forces

"The Forces" were out and about at the library recently:

(notice G.I. Will's blue lazer gun to his right and Obi Wan's light saber; neither of which should be left home without:)

Fortunately, we left the library with some sought after StarWars and Ninja Turtle Books, a couple "XForce" chapter books and a few books on CD. Mission accomplished.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Aunt Allie's Visit

As you may have seen (in a white tshirt with a cute prego belly) in the last post.....AUNT ALLIE WAS HERE! And due to popular demand to "show us the belly", here are some sweet belly shots:

There is no better time than time with Aunt Allie. We slurped up every minute we had with her....

She played "washing machine", "guess which color" and "motorboat" AND was there for Parker's first solo swim:

Next time we see you, Silas will be here!!!!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Training Party

Parker was convinced he wanted to have a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle birthday party this year. Though I remember (even back in the 80's) thinking they were the most obnoxious concept........the birthday boy's wishes ruled. The training course included:
sliding down the slip-n-slide:

scaling a rope ladder:

target competition with water balloon granades:

testing rocket balloons:

Of course there was cowabunga pizza and cake:


Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Pre-party for Parkerboo

Last night Kat and Maddy had a preparty for P! It was complete with all his favorite things: pepperoni and mushroom pizza, cheetos, mango lemonade, gifts and an OREO ICE CREAM cake:

Later the kids went outside for some karate/ninja moves and 'pop-its' throwing:

not pictured: Maddy (as she was busy "sitting in the grass":)