Friday, April 25, 2008

I want to be a Dentist

Today the boys are sick. Will is pretty much over his, but Parker is only beginning. Just colds...but it makes for grumpy attitudes and lots of running noses. Both of them are sleeping now (which hasn't happened in about 2 months!) and it is a peaceful, quiet house. No one wants to see runny, chapped noses so I'll post a couple pictures from earlier in the week. Wednesday both boys went to visit the Dentist. It was Will's first visit. I didn't think of taking my camera (how obnoxious that would be!)...but these are some after pics.
Parker set up his own Dentist's office in the living room complete with light and patient sunglasses. After looking at my teeth, Parker said "Good job Mommy, but you have some yellow teeth in the back". Nice. Though Will did well at the Dentist, he chose to play in the backyard in his underwear.

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