Tuesday, April 29, 2008

No denying it...

Check out these 2 year old cuties. You think they're related?

In case you fell off a truck yesterday and lost your sight, the one on the left is Chris, circa 1974.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

"Forty Years or so...."

On the way back from taking Chris to the bus stop.....
Parker: "Why does Dad have to go all the way to California to count milks in a warehouse?"
Mom: "Because that's his job, sweetie."
Parker: "I already miss him more than the sun."
Mom: "I know, me too."
Parker: "It's just counting milks is so easy.....1,2,3,4,5,6,7...that's all you have to do. Does Dad do anything else? Someone else could count the milks."
Mom: "Dad's also good at solving problems and helping people figure out a faster-better way of doing something. Like........"
Parker: "Like a farmer who uses a machine to plant lots of plants in the field at the same time?"
Mom: "Uh, yeah. Good example. Yes, something like that, exactly."
Parker: "Well, what else does Dad do at work?"
Mom: "I don't know, Sweetie."
Parker: "Well you should know, you've knowed Dad for 40 years or so...."

Water Balloon Fight

Chris left today on a 3 day business trip to California. Before leaving he and the boys "bonded" in the backyard during a water balloon fight.

Needless to say they had a good time... Towards to end, with only 6 balloons remaining, Parker led an assault (see him "sneaking" in fort) on the next door neighbors who were jumping on their trampoline. I don't know who got the bigger kick out of it...Parker or Dad? :)

Saturday, April 26, 2008

March For Babies

Today was the March of Dimes, "March for Babies". A 5 mile walk to raise awareness and money for the March of Dimes. It was a blustery (30 mph winds!) 40 degrees so we were a bit cold, but the walk itself was beautiful with views of the mountains. (Team Adams raised $120 to put with the MOMSClub team total of $3500;) Team Colorado's total is yet TBD.
We walked for all babies, but Parker and Will wore stickers naming a few babies in particular; Gage Fincher, cousin Baby Fincher (to arrive in Oct.), and cousin Kaiya Shuler (to arrive in June).

Friday, April 25, 2008

I want to be a Dentist

Today the boys are sick. Will is pretty much over his, but Parker is only beginning. Just colds...but it makes for grumpy attitudes and lots of running noses. Both of them are sleeping now (which hasn't happened in about 2 months!) and it is a peaceful, quiet house. No one wants to see runny, chapped noses so I'll post a couple pictures from earlier in the week. Wednesday both boys went to visit the Dentist. It was Will's first visit. I didn't think of taking my camera (how obnoxious that would be!)...but these are some after pics.
Parker set up his own Dentist's office in the living room complete with light and patient sunglasses. After looking at my teeth, Parker said "Good job Mommy, but you have some yellow teeth in the back". Nice. Though Will did well at the Dentist, he chose to play in the backyard in his underwear.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

crazy colorado weather

So, last week was crazy weatherwise. Monday was a gorgeous 80 degrees and the boys and I spent the day at the Zoo with our friends Ragan and Margot. Of course the animals were a hit, but when asked their favorite part of the day? Parker said "pulling the girls in the wagons" and Will said "wooking foo his binocleears".

Then, on Wednesday it snowed!! Here are some pictures.....gotta love it!!

Trash Monsters

Since this is my first official post, I went back a couple days to our last picture taken. It was April 22nd, Earth Day. We celebrated by making "Trash Monsters". These monsters love to eat trash, so we took them for a walk around the neighborhood to find some food.

Funniest part was the way in which each "monster" found food. The red monster was intent on getting every piece of trash he could find...down to the smallest pieces even hard for 4 year old fingers to pick up. Then carefully put each piece into his mouth so he wouldn't mess up his teeth. The brown monster could have cared less about finding the littered trash most appropriate for his diet and insisted on the neighbors flowers, dog poop, and about 2 lbs of rocks until finally his mouth broke from the crazy meal. The red monster is still a part of the family so to speak and still collects trash in Parker's room. Brown monster did not make it home from the walk as he was ripped in two from excess rock.