Today was Parker's first day back to school after a 2 1/2 week break. To celebrate (or at least observe) the last day of break, I took the boys ice skating yesterday morning. They did.....OK considering it was their first time this year, second time ever! Parker was pretty cautious and felt more comfortable using the shovel they provided to help balance. P got better and better, but after a major fall...decided he needed some hockey player pads. Parker's favorite part was, of course, the HOT chocolate break.
Will took to it surprisingly well. Since he didn't mind falling so much, he preferred skating sans shovel and toward the end of the morning was actually using one foot to push off and glide on the other. When asked his favorite part, Will answered "the music" and the "green guy". (The guy was actually a 6-7 y/o girl in a green tutu....who was well on her way to professional skating if you ask me.)