Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Tooth Fairy Suggestions

This just happened....

Does anyone have any suggestions as to the Tooth Fairy's going rate?

Monday, September 15, 2008

Chili Fest

So Saturday was the much anticipated town of Superior's "8th Annual Chili Fest" in conjunction with the "28th Annual Mile High Chili Cook-off" (a regional International Chili Society event). The winner walked away with a chance at the World Championship Chili Competition in Vegas next month which not only sounds fun but has a $25,000 prize. There were 18 entries and in my completely objective opinion, the best chili at this years Regional Event finished 4th.

Here are the best cookers of chili in the world and 4th place finishers (Chris and Katherine):
Meanwhile, in a galaxy far far away (and across the street at Flatirons Mall).......our favorite StarWars characters were in action. Parker, Will and I headed over there to meet them and kill time while the chili simmered. Here are some shots we got before we decided to leave. (Waiting in line for 1.5 hours was not on the agenda....we only made it about 35 mins....but still had fun and got to see Clone Troopers, Rebel Troopers, Darth Vader, Sand People, Jango Fett AND R2-D2!

And if that wasn't enough for a fun day......we came home that evening and got to spend a couple hours with Uncle Jeremy! He and his friend Michael were on their way back to Arkansas after having spent a week up in the mountains. My apologies as my head was not on straight and I did not get a picture to prove it. I am sorry Nana. We loved seeing you Jerm and Michael! Thank you for swinging by!

Watch this, Gabe

While iron chefs, Chris and Ms. Kat were busy shopping for the secret chili ingredients for the upcoming town Chili Fest/Competition I got to hang with the kiddos.....

Parker and I had been online together earlier that day and had fun looking at our cousin Gabe's blog. Gabe had seen the picture of Parker and Will doing a headstand from a previous post. Leah videoed Gabe's attempt and posted it to their blog. After watching the clip, Parker wanted to "show" Gabe how to do it:

(The heavy breathing is not me, it's baby Henry.....11months)

(Maddy's head was ok, thank goodness.)

If you think that was getting out of hand, check this out:

I'm sure everything is as clear as mud. Hope this helps.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Will's First Day of Preschool

Will giving the "I love you" sign before his first day of preschool:
The brothers:Highlights of his first day, according to Will:
-singing songs
-hanging up his backpack on a hook
-washing hands in the "magic sink"

Dee Was Here!

We got to spend the weekend with Dee! Not only did Parker and Will get lots of "extras" like rice crispy treats and donuts for breakfast and special early morning one-on-one time with Dee...but we all got to go to the movies to see Star Wars...The Clone Wars. It was Dee's favorite movie ever (at least that's what she told us;)

I think Parker and Will's favorite new trick (taught by Dee) is a head stand.

Thank you Dee for coming to visit. We miss you already! See you soon! We love you!!!!